A key element in the work at all stages is the opportunity to obtain samples of the desired minerals from our customers. It is very important, since samples help to determine the concentration of reference elements (metals, nonmetals) and additional components (impurities) in the rock which contain the desired mineral. According to these samples, the measuring equipment is configured on the amplitude-frequency spectra. The direct recording of the recognition NMR spectra is done by exciting atoms of the elements included into the studied substance.

Prior to the commencement of research, at least one of the following conditions must be met:

  1. provide 150 ml of oil or 50-70 grams of core-sample with customer specified minimum commercial concentration of each mineral and the given mineral background concentration so that anomaly concentrations can be detected from the background;
  2. provide coordinates of nearby located (at no more than 500 km proximity) drilled or producing well, its depth and type of oil;
  3. lithological description of core.

It is worth to note that core sample allows to configure stationery (lab) and field equipment for the mineral at each specific location what increases the accuracy of the survey till its maximum values.

Our method will help you to maximize the benefits of your investments, gain the great savings on exploration stage and avoid the risks of inefficient drilling or excavation etc.


Source Mineral – Spectrum